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Young Maria Game Cheat

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  1. Young Maria Game Cheats
  2. Young Maria Game Cheat Code
  3. Young Maria Game Cheat Codes

PicWords is quite a popular image guessing game. But it is a bit different to the regular crowd. You are given one picture and need to identify three items in the picture. It is fun because it is a bit different so you don't feel like you are playing the same old game again. There are 331 levels which is a good amount to last you for hours of. Maria Mode is a gameplay mode featured in several Castlevania games, in which the player can play as Maria Renard. 1 Game specific information 1.1 Castlevania: Rondo of Blood 1.2 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Saturn) 1.3 Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin 1.4 Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles 1.5 Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles: Symphony of the Night (PSP) 2 Gallery 3 Move list 3.1.

Walkthru for Sanitarium

By Jaime Hsiao 5/20/

Amazing spider man 2 game cheats ps3. This is a bare bones walkthru. There may be avenues other than the ones I have listedhere; this is simply the path I took to finish the game.

Table of ContentsClick on the Titles

You wake up here with nothing in your inventory. Walk to the lower left hand of yourscreen to the switch and turn off the siren if you wish.
Take some time to chat with your fellow inmates. You gain a bit of background informationon Dr. Morgan.
Walk into the third room and pick up the towel.
Go upstairs and look at the large angel statue and the lock in the base. Stay on thislevel.
Walk to the far right side of the screen. Use the towel on the high voltage wire to slideinto the control tower. Open the door and step inside.
Look at the TV and VCR. Hook up the wires in order from left to right: red, yellow, black.Press the power button and then play.
The short circuit will open the safe. Read the file and take the key above the cabinet.
Walk outside and use the control panel to extend the bridge.
Use the key on the lock in the base of the angel statue.

On this level, try to speak with all of the children in depth.
Talk to the two of the little kids playing on the sidewalk next to you. They won'ttalk until you tell them your name. Walk over to the little girl jumping rope on yourleft. A 3rd flashback will make you remember that your name is Max. The rest ofthe kids will talk to you now.
Go into the church and read the files next to the door.
(Make note of the sign in front of the church)
Go into city hall and read the files there.
Go across the bridge and into the house next to the barn. Read the diary and newspaper youfind there.
Return to the main part of town.
In the cemetery, the kid with the third arm will challenge you to a game of hide and seekif you ask him why he is in the cemetery and about his secret weapon. Take this challenge.Go into the shed here and take the crowbar.
One kid is in the barrel next to the red herring building. Another is in the lockedschoolhouse. Use the crowbar on the door. Ewww. Check the church behind the front pew.Another is in the tree between city hall and the church. The last one is under the bed inthe Driscoll house.
When you find all of them, talk to Dennis. He will tell you to look for his secret weapon,Carol. Take the shovel next to the girl sitting by the statue. Return to the cemetery anddig up C. Driscoll's grave. Lumpy will take Carol from you.
Talk with Dennis again and he will give you a key to the general store.
Unlock the door on the right. Read the files here. Take the empty gas can.
Outside, ride the middle 'spring pig'. Take it.
Drop the pig in the gap in the bridge. Talk to Maria.
Open the gate to the pumpkin patch. The combination is 451 (remember the sign?)
Pick up the scythe. This begins an action sequence. The faster your heart beats, thecloser you are to being dead. Walk down the path and click on the birds as they try toattack you.
When you get to the scarecrow, you must smash all the pulsating pumpkins before you cankill it.
If you get killed, you start from the beginning, but everything you have killed is stilldead.
Look at the comet and generator. Open up the tractor and take the jumper cables. Open thebarn door and have a nice chat with Mother.
Afterwards, take the wrench that is on the floor of the barn. Walk over to the areabetween the barn and the pumpkin patch. Knock over the wooden plank and cross over.
Go to the water fountain by city hall. Use the wrench on the hose. Take the hose and walkall the way down to the edge of town. Walk to the left of the barrier and talk to the boywho is fishing. Then open the gas tank of the crashed car, use the hose and then the gascan on it to siphon out some fuel.
Walk back to the church and pick up one of the loose stones from the garden. Throw thestone at the bell. The fishing boy will come in to pray. You may now take his fishingpole.
Use it to fish out the lightning rod cross that has fallen into the stream by the intactbridge.
Go back to the barn. Use the lightning rod on the comet. Use the jump cable on thegenerator and then connect it to the rod. Fuel up the generator and power it up!
After you have toasted Mother, walk over to the intact bridge and speak with Maria. Shewill lead you through the portal.

Chat with everyone around here. Take note of the music and how each of the patients isreacting to it. Talk to the hooded woman in front of the large double doors. Once you havefinished talking, she will get up and move to a different spot. Open the door and talk toa worshipping Norm. Then speak with Preacher Bob, who will tell you that someone hasstolen a holy cross. Walk over to the doctor's office all the way to the left. Speakwith the doc. Turn on the radio and listen to the news. Then take all the record off thetable. Play 'Belladonna in A Flat.' The old man in the tutu will begin to dance.
Walk over to the man and pick up the cross from the bench. Return it to Bob, who will giveyou a broom as a reward.
Use this broom on the control panel outside the doc's office.
The purpose of this puzzle is to get all the water pressure to the square fountain infront of the church. There will be a gauge at the bottom showing your progress. They aretagged by the shapes of the prospective fountains they control.
If the rotating pipe pieces are numbered from top to bottom, left to right:

1 4 7 10 15 19
2 5 8 11 13 16 18 20
3 6 9 12 14 17 21

The pipe positions should be as follows:

1: 7
2: L
3: L
4: backwards 7
5: L
6: upside down T
7: backwards 7
8: |-
9: upside down T
10: upside down T
11: L
12: -|
13: -|
14: upside down T
15: _|
16: -|
17: _|
18: -
19: _|
20: _|
21: _|

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Once you have the water pressure in the 2nd to last gauge to its highestlevel, pull the chain and go to the big fountain. Look at the shape at the bottom and talkto it.

Talk to the man laying at your feet. He will give you a pass to the Squid Squash. Thenlook through the binoculars and note the house across the way.
Walk down the wooden path and into the hut on your left. Talk to the tattoo man and lookat the needles and rubbing alcohol on the table. Leave the hut and continue down the path.Give the Squid Squish man your pass. Play the game. (This game pretty much just takes 3tickets and gives you more. You will need about 13 tickets.) Take the tickets you have wonand play the knock down game until you win. Pick up the pin that has fallen out of thebooth.
Continue to your left and talk to the little boy. Be sure to ask him about his mother.Pick up the oil can. Talk to his parents.
Go into the circus tent.
Talk to the juggling man and ask him how he likes the circus. He will mention that no onechallenges him. You will give him the pin and get a ball in return.
Talk to the strong man. Tell him about the poems. Suggest that he get a tattoo ofInferno's name to prove his love.
Talk to Inferno until she mentions firebreathing. You will need fuel, so return to thetattoo hut. Ask for the rubbing alcohol. Take the needle when no one is looking.
Go back to Inferno and learn the art of firebreathing. Just for kicks, talk to the 3clowns sitting in the stands.
Play Squid Squash until you have enough tickets to get into the fun house (5). Walk downto the beach. Try to pull the lever. Use the oil can on it and try again. Ride thecarousel. Cross over to the fun house. Look at the clown sign. Use the ball on the sign.Give the man 5 tickets and enter the fun house.
Okay. Walk up the stairs and into the fortune teller's hut. Ask her to tell you yourfortune. After doing so, you find yourself in front of the games again. Play Squid Squashfor another 5 tickets.
Walk down to the freak show on the beach. Give the man 5 tickets. Walk up the wagon andtalk to the bendy man. Then talk to the dog man in front of him. Ask him about the boneshe smells. He will ask you to free him. Use the needle on the bars. Watch him run away.
Return to the spot where you spoke to the little boy. Look into the hole. Jump in!

Another action sequence. Use the mirror on the pile of twigs to start a nice fire. Usethe baton on the fire. Walk into the water. Watch for falling rocks. You can see debrisfalling from the ceiling right before they fall. Click on the tentacles before they smackyou. Be sure to stay on the top path; the other is a dead end.
As you come to the end, the squid monster will emerge. Ugly, ain't he? He shoots outabout every three seconds. Wait until just after he shoots, run up to him and attack, thenrun away. When he's dead, climb out of the water.

The Mansion

Young Maria Game Cheats

Walk up the stairs and watch the ghostly exchange.
Go through the door way. Another ghostly exchange. Walk out of the kitchen and look at theclock. Walk upstairs. Go into the living room. Wait until the ghosts clear out and go intothe room above. Take the key. Go back downstairs and unlock the clock. Set the hands to 6o'clock. Dad will emerge from his study.
Go into the study and take the key and the video tape. You can watch the tape in theupstairs living room.
After this, walk down the hallway on the left and unlock the attic door. Look at the teddybear and find another key.
Take the trampoline and set it up next to the boxes. Use it to jump over. Use the key onthe chest directly to your left. Take the clown doll. Follow the ghost boy out of theattic. Go into the little girl's room and give her the doll.

Walk down the path to your right, past the locked doors, and down. Enter the study.Look at the painting.
Take the pipe key. Play the radio.
Leave the study and walk up to the strange contraption. To power it up, use the pipe keyon the pipes on the upper right.
The object of this puzzle is to open up all the clasps so the stone will drop into thehole.
To do this, pull the lever on the right.
Turn the wheel 4 times.
Pull the lever.
Turn the wheel 1 time.
Pull the lever.
Repeat (4 times, pull, 1 time, pull, 4 times, pull, etc…) until the stone drops.
Once done, the door to the lab will open.
Take in the carnage, then play the tape machine on the desk.
Look at each of the chalkboards. Click the first letter of each sentence. Unscramble theletters so they read


Go over the voice lock and say: 'YOUTH HIDES THE KEY TO SALVATION'
Walk into the lab. Be shocked and amazed.

This game is getting really weird.
Take the ID harness off the dead drone.
Walk down to the hut down on your left. Touch the yellow orb and walk through door.
Try to operate the control panel to your right. Looks like you'll need moreclearance.
Talk to the handsome young cyclops Gravin. Get the password for his hut. Take the pincheroff the wall. Talk to the bug technician, and be sure to ask about the upgrade for yourharness.
Leave the building and go down to the last hut. Enter with your new password. Take thetools and the sledgehammer. Watch a little TV for background info.
Walk up to the furnace room. Look at the patch on the pipe. Use the sledgehammer on it.Pump the bellows. Take the arm from the incinerated drone. Look at the strange bugmachine.
The object of this puzzle to match the shapes on the buttons with the shapes generated bythe combination red, green, or blue light and the various levels of the bug's wing.Once you have matched all of them, the furnace will close.
Puzzle solution:
Number the display buttons with the shapes on the from 1 to 6 from top to bottom.
Number the buttons on the back of the dragon fly from 1 to 3 (from head to tail).
The larger dials change the color shining through the wings
When both lights are red, push the 1st and 2nd wing button, pull thelever down to the 5th button and push the right button at the bottom.
Extend only the 1st and 3rd wings, pull the lever down to the 6thbutton and push the left button.
Extend the 2nd and 3rd wings, pull the lever up the 1stbutton and push both the right and left buttons.
Reset the machine by pushing the button above the dragonfly's head.
Turn the dials so the both lights are green.
Extend the 1st and 2nd wings, pull the lever down to the 5thbuttons and push the left button.
Now the 1st and 3rd wings, lever on the 3rd button, pushleft and right buttons.
2nd and 3rd wings, 4th button, right button.
Turn the dials so that both lights are blue.
1st and 2nd wings, 2nd button, left and right.
1st and 3rd wings, 6th button, right.
2nd and 3rd wings, 4th button, left.
The furnace should now be closed.
Go back to the Gravin's hut. Speak with him about the furnace. Ask him aboutupgrading your ID harness.
Go back and speak with Chik-Tok. Ask him to upgrade your ID again. When he asks you toverify your age, insert the incinerated bug's mechanical arm into the scanner. Voila!
Go into the Queens chamber. Chat with the cyclops-bug. Use the pincher on the bottles totake proof to the Gravin. Return to his hut. He will take you into Gromna's hut.
Wait until he leaves, and then look at the chalkboard. Then search his pillow to find akey. Use this on the safe above his bed. Take the sound generator. Return to theQueen's chamber.
Use the sound generator on the oozing bug butt looking thing on the right.
Talk to another cyclops-bug. Talk to the baby cyclops and listen to their song.
Go to the console on the left and try to recreate that sound.
Number the larva buttons from 1 to 5 , from the 12 o'clock position around clockwise.
The correct sequence is: 5, 2, 2, 4, 1, 3
Once you find yourself on the second level, talk to the female cyclops-bug. Use the toolson the machine piece and go to the Great Machine. Throw this part to the cyclops.
Return to the female cyclops-bug. On the far left, there is a rope. Climb this to thethird level. Watch the long winded public announcement and pry the second machine part offthe queen. Jump through the portal behind her.
Give the part to the cyclops.

Look at the dead woman and have a pleasant conversation. Then look at the locked door.
Turn the upper right wheel 3 times and pull the lever below that to the left. Repeatanother 2 times.
Turn the upper right wheel 3 times and pull the lever right. Repeat 2 times.
Turn the large middle wheel counterclockwise.
The door will open.
Once out, walk past the boiler room and down into Dr. Morgan's office. Read thepapers on the fallen bookshelf. Take the bust, urn and matches.
Look at the wall behind the fallen bookshelf. Throw the bust at it. Again. Take the U pipeand turn on the gas.
Walk to the exit of the building, next to the two parallel pipes. Feel them. Go into theboiler room and take the tools. Remove sections from them both and replace them with the Upipe.
Return to the boiler room, work the control panel and fire up the furnace! Open thefurnace door. Put body #7 onto the slab. Bake for 1 minute.
Open the door and collect the ashes with the urn. Don't forget the glass eye.
The morgue door is now defrosted. Open it up. Do you hear something? Open up the toprightmost drawer. Talk to the old man. Ask about the scratching.
Open all the other drawers and look at them by laying on the slabs. In #7 you will noticesome scratches. Use the matches to see them better.
Ask the old man about the scratches. Use the glass eye to decipher them.
Walk out into the garden. Search for the old fallen, unreadable tombstone. Use the asheson it to read it.
Look for the moving tree. Talk to it. He will move aside and reveal a statue. Take theprism from it.
Put it into the warm beam of light. The door to the little round building will open.
Another chat with Dr. Morgan. Once he is gone, look at the statue, the globe, and thepapers on the desk.
The papers here and the ones in his office reveal the pattern to input into the AztecCalendar.

  1. The first is the sun over twin peaks.
  2. The second in the rising sun.
  3. The third is the sun over a semi circle curving up.
  4. The fourth is an eye.
  5. The fifth is a triangle.

Talk to the old woman who summoned you. Then leave the cave.
Make sure you talk to all the ghosts in the village. Ask their name and station.
Walk past the water temple and up to the volcano. Speak with Quetzalcoatl.
Knock over the statue to your right. Lava will flow down and make a bridge to the watertemple. Cross this bridge and look at the figures on the side of the temple and fiddlewith them.
Walk to the hut. On the way, stop and speak with the ghost Tepictoc guarding the totem infront of the wind temple. Ask him about water temple. Keep talking to him until hementions proving your intentions by delivering a necklace to his wife.
Walk into the village and speak with the old woman. Pick up the copper bowel. Then findthe cheiftan/mason. Ask him about the necklace and his missing daughter. Speak with hiswife in the adjacent room.
In the room next to that, ask the weeping woman about her husband. Have her explain thefisherman's creed.
Return to the Tepictoc and tell him about the necklace. He will let you through.
Knock over the totem and cross over to the wind temple. Push aside the boulders to findthe missing daughter.
After returning her, go into the first room and ask her about the rock and the music. Goback to the wind temple. Look at the crystal and the gongs. You need to ring the gongs inorder from largest to smallest. The other gongs will keep ringing unless you enter in thewrong sequence. The vibration of the gongs ringing all at once will shatter the crystal.Pick up the wind totem.
Go to the water temple. Look at the figures on the side. They symbolize thefisherman's creed.
>From left to right, press 5, 3, 1, 2, 6, 4.
Enter the temple (if you go out accidentally, you will have to reenter the code.) Pick upthe water totem.
Follow the path behind the jaguar temple to find the old witch doctor. Speak with him andget information about the Pod of Might and the Rite of the Warrior. He will send you backto the mason.
Ask the mason about the warrior ritual. In turn, he will ask you to name the 6 warriorsbefore you, in order from youngest to eldest. They are:

Xilonen, Ometoch, Tepictoc, Centeotl, Huitzilop, and Mixcoatl.

You will undergo the ritual to make you impervious to the elements. Wade through thelava and retrieve the pod from the tree. Give this to the witch doctor.
After his sacrifice, talk to him once more about a mask. After he is dead, collect hisblood with the bowel. Walk back to his hut. Pick up the heart and go to the jaguar temple.Make note of the carvings along staircase.
Put the blood into the statue on the left and the heart into the one on the right. Enterthe temple.
Turn the dials along the back of the temple until they are in order of the carvings by thestair, from the bottom up.
They are the bull's head, the crescent moon, the infinity sign, the face, the star,the fish, and the circle with the plus sign in it.
Remove the jaguar totem.
Go to the place where the statue of Quetzalcoatl once stood. Put the totems on thepedestal so that they correspond to the locations of the temples in the village.
Go down into the hole.

Young maria game cheat code

Another puzzle. If you step into the pink electricity, you will be transported back tothe beginning. Watch for the patterns and time your crossings. Make your way down to thecontrol panel. Light up the first and third circles. Pull the lever. A bridge will riseinto place and a block will get lifted out of your way. Look for the statue that isholding its arms in the touchdown position. Push its arms down. Cross the newly unblockpath and make your way down to a lever. Pull it and walk to the gate. Before going throughthe gate, lock it open by pulling the lever right next to it. Get the mask.

Read all of the tombstones until Jeddah's headless ghost appears. Go to thepumpkins and listen to the melody. (Ring around the Rosy) Try to recreate it. The pumpkinsdisappear and let you through. Get the skull and give it to the ghost.
Go into your inventory and choose the comic book to become the cyclops. Open the coffin.Get the angel head.
Choose the Aztec statue and cross the thorny path. Change back into the cyclops and clickon the carnival game. Note the color sequence.
Change into the Aztec warrior and click on the teeth flashing red, yellow, green, and blue(in that order).
Change into Sarah and climb up the clown's nose. Collect the wing and climb down thenose again.
Continue down the path into the tower. Climb up the stairs and cross the spiderweb.
Choose the warrior character look at the panels on the floor. From top to bottom, step onin this order: the 2nd, 5th, 3rd, 1st, and 4thpanel. Look at the rock that comes into view.
Look at the impaled corpses and the wailing spirits above them. Click on each corpse,further impaling them until the collective screams shatter the crystal. Take the otherwing. Cross back over as Sarah and enter the hive chamber.
Look at the honeycombs and punch through them until you find an insect pincher. Turn intothe cyclops character and work the control panel. Take the sound generator and use it onthe maggots.
Open the grate and, as Sarah, climb into the hole.
As the warrior, climb the thorny path and cut the cord with the pincher. Go back andcollect the torso.
Go into the tower and assemble the angel.
Enter the portal that appears.

Last puzzle. The object is to navigate around the moving black goo to get to the statueholding the lighted orb. You have to accomplish this 3 times before the green fluid entersyour veins. Again, look for the patterns. Finish this puzzle and you're done! Sitback and enjoy the closing movie.

Game Boomers - Game Cheats, andWalkthroughs for Boomers and the rest of you guys!

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQCorey Feldman InterviewSteam achievements

Another puzzle. If you step into the pink electricity, you will be transported back tothe beginning. Watch for the patterns and time your crossings. Make your way down to thecontrol panel. Light up the first and third circles. Pull the lever. A bridge will riseinto place and a block will get lifted out of your way. Look for the statue that isholding its arms in the touchdown position. Push its arms down. Cross the newly unblockpath and make your way down to a lever. Pull it and walk to the gate. Before going throughthe gate, lock it open by pulling the lever right next to it. Get the mask.

Read all of the tombstones until Jeddah's headless ghost appears. Go to thepumpkins and listen to the melody. (Ring around the Rosy) Try to recreate it. The pumpkinsdisappear and let you through. Get the skull and give it to the ghost.
Go into your inventory and choose the comic book to become the cyclops. Open the coffin.Get the angel head.
Choose the Aztec statue and cross the thorny path. Change back into the cyclops and clickon the carnival game. Note the color sequence.
Change into the Aztec warrior and click on the teeth flashing red, yellow, green, and blue(in that order).
Change into Sarah and climb up the clown's nose. Collect the wing and climb down thenose again.
Continue down the path into the tower. Climb up the stairs and cross the spiderweb.
Choose the warrior character look at the panels on the floor. From top to bottom, step onin this order: the 2nd, 5th, 3rd, 1st, and 4thpanel. Look at the rock that comes into view.
Look at the impaled corpses and the wailing spirits above them. Click on each corpse,further impaling them until the collective screams shatter the crystal. Take the otherwing. Cross back over as Sarah and enter the hive chamber.
Look at the honeycombs and punch through them until you find an insect pincher. Turn intothe cyclops character and work the control panel. Take the sound generator and use it onthe maggots.
Open the grate and, as Sarah, climb into the hole.
As the warrior, climb the thorny path and cut the cord with the pincher. Go back andcollect the torso.
Go into the tower and assemble the angel.
Enter the portal that appears.

Last puzzle. The object is to navigate around the moving black goo to get to the statueholding the lighted orb. You have to accomplish this 3 times before the green fluid entersyour veins. Again, look for the patterns. Finish this puzzle and you're done! Sitback and enjoy the closing movie.

Game Boomers - Game Cheats, andWalkthroughs for Boomers and the rest of you guys!

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQCorey Feldman InterviewSteam achievements

Young Maria Game Cheat Code

Everwing cheat game killer. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.

Young Maria Game Cheat Codes

    Brother 1: Defeat the Übergarde in Brother 1.
    Brother 2: Defeat the Übergarde in Brother 2.
    Brother 3: Defeat the Übergarde in Brother 3.
    Gear head: Obtain all improved weapon upgrades.
    More human than human: Obtain all abilities.
    3-D: Find all 3D glasses.
    A better you: Obtain 5 abilities.
    A cloud of lead: Achieve mastery level 10 with the Kugelgewehr.
    A red mist: Gore 150 enemies.
    Airborne: Kill 50 enemies while airborne.
    American Football: Kill 50 enemies with your Crush ability.
    Audiophile: Find all Cassette Tapes.
    Banker: Find 60,000 coins.
    Bomber: Kill 50 enemies using explosives.
    Chop and slice: Achieve mastery level 10 with a melee weapon.
    Chopper: Achieve mastery level 10 with the Sturmgewehr.
    Cinephile: Find all UVK Covers.
    Dark Days: Enter all Undergrounds.
    Demolition woman: Achieve mastery level 10 with the Dieselkraftwerk.
    Dust to dust: Achieve mastery level 10 with the Laserkraftwerk.
    Electric feel: Achieve mastery level 10 with the Elektrokraftwerk.
    Expert explorer: Open all red supply crates.
    Explorer: Open 200 supply crates.
    Extra everything: Obtain 15 abilities.
    Get the strap: Achieve mastery level 10 with the Maschinenpistole.
    Gunslinger: Achieve mastery level 10 with the Pistole.
    Hacker: Find all Floppy Disks.
    Hammer time: Achieve mastery level 10 with a Hammer weapon.
    Hard boiled: Kill 100 enemies while dual-wielding.
    Heavy artillery: Tuck a Hammer weapon away for later.
    Immovable object: Kill 10 charging Supersoldaten.
    Intruder: Get through 10 code locks.
    Kitted out: Obtain 10 weapon upgrades.
    Librarian: Find all Readables.
    One woman army: Achieve mastery level 10 with all weapons.
    Partisan: Complete all missions.
    Predator: Kill an enemy within 3 seconds of uncloaking 50 times
    Prepper: Pick up 250 loot supplies.
    Rasputin: Revive or get revived 25 times.
    Resistor: Kill 500 enemies.
    Right tool for the job: Kill 75 enemies using the weapon type that's most effective against their shield type.
    Ripper: Kill 75 enemies using take-downs.
    See my vest: Obtain 5 power armor skins.
    Spray and pray: Achieve mastery level 10 with the Blitzgewehr.
    Stealthy: Stealthily kill 50 enemies.
    Sting like a bee: Stealth Kill 10 Supersoldaten.
    Supportive: Perform 100 pep signals.
    Supreme ninja: Kill 50 enemies using thrown weapons.
    Swatter: Kill 20 drones.
    Tacticool: Fully upgrade a weapon brand.
    Teamwork: Complete a mission with co-op player.
    Tribute: Obtain the souvenir from Dunwall.
    Trigger happy: Fire 100,000 shots.
    Vive la révolution!: Kill Lothar.
    Airship down: Defeat Winkler.
    Among friends: Link up with the resistance.
    God Key: Obtain the God Key.
    God mode: Kill 50 enemies with their own bullets.
    Plain sight: Enter the Lab X.
    World's best Dad: Meet up with your father.

broken image